Rachael: Helping Hands Open Hearts Fundraising

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Helping Hands, Open Hearts
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Please support me with Helping Hands, Open Hearts mission, and all the good work they do in DFW!


raised by 13 people

$1,000 goal

$7.00 Cost of Starbucks Frappuccino

$12.00 Cost of Chickfila meal

$40.00 Cost of Gel manicure

$100.00 Cost of dinner for 2

Would you be willing to donate even just $1.00 to help those that don't have the very basic needs...food, clothing, shoes and hygiene items? Right here in our community, thousands of people will go without tonight, tomorrow and for the rest of the year without basic items like food and water. Please consider skipping your date night this week, or your extra coffee, and donate to Helping Hands, Open Hearts. They are working with the unhoused, the food insecure, families, children and the elderly to provide these basic needs in DFW.

Help me reach my goal of $1000.


This fundraiser supports

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Helping Hands, Open Hearts

Organized By Rachael Kissel

Giving Activity


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