Equity Statement
At Philanthropy Kids, we define philanthropy as the love of humankind. That includes treating every member of the global community with compassion and respect. It also means that organizations and individuals should actively work towards more just and equitable society.
As an organization that aims to advocate for social justice and racial equity Philanthropy Kids employs the following principles to drive our operational and programmatic practices:
-We are committed to ensure that every policy enacted aligns with the values of equity and justice.
-We recognize the implicit biases of leadership as individual persons and collectively as an institution and will establish checks on those biases in all decision-making environments.
-We celebrate the differences of our staff, our volunteers, and our program participants and realize that diversity in thought breeds more complete and more inclusive opportunities and initiatives.
-We will design protocols that allow all communities to join our mission and work to remove practices and policies that discriminate or provide barrier to access.
-We will utilize data and analytics to identify areas of success and areas of weakness with how we serve different demographics (e.g. race, gender, sex, socioeconomic status, disability status, etc.)