CK Family Services is a faith-based nonprofit organization of diverse individuals bound together by the shared values of faith and family. Collectively, we use our gifts and talents to amplify our service to children and families in our community.
CK Behavioral Health Program provides "skills training and development" for kids 3 and up with a mental health diagnosis who are covered by Texas Medicaid as well as to the child's legally authorized representative, parent or immediate caregiver. These essential services help children with a mental health diagnosis and their caregivers overcome the associated challenges and manage behavioral issues.

CK Foster Care Program provides temporary care to children who are unable to live with their parents or family of origin. This incorporates need-specific services like case management, medical care, educational support, mental and behavioral health support, in addition to meeting basic needs like food, clothing and entertainment.

CK Adoption Program provides two primary adoption services: Foster to Adopt involves a verified foster parent or kinship caregiver who wants to adopt a child currently placed in their home by DFPS. Matched Adoption, sometimes known as "straight adoption," describes families seeking permanent adoption without first providing foster care. 
Why We Do It! Trauma, abuse, neglect, exploitation and mental health issues pose great challenges to children and families in our community. We serve because we are called to serve; and it is in this service that we remember the message from Luke 12:48 which says, "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked."