Downtown Mansfield, Inc.

A nonprofit organization

Our Vision for Historic Mansfield
Historic Mansfield will experience a renaissance as the center of community life much as it was 100 years ago. It will be a vibrant place where people live, work, and play in a unique business environment surrounded by revitalized neighborhoods. As the thriving heart of a dynamic city, Historic Mansfield will be the natural gathering spot for everyday life, festivals, and celebrations.

Our Goals: #1
To accomplish the Vision for Historic Mansfield, the following goals have been adopted:
1. Advocate for the revitalization of neighborhoods in Historic Mansfield
2. Advocate for the preservation of Historic Mansfield's authentic, unique built environment
3. Advocate for the making of Historic Mansfield as a gathering spot
4. Advocate for a thriving business environment

Our Needs

Project: Parklets for Downtown
Need: $10,000 for parklet #3
Purpose: Bring people to our reviving downtown by constructing spaces for outside social (distanced) gathering and waiting. Help local businesses to survive these tough days.

Project: Participation in the Texas Downtown Association (TDA)
Need: $1000
Purpose: Enable us to send two board members to participate and learn at the TDA Annual Conferences (so that the board members will not have to pay for the trips out of their own pockets).

Project: Maintenance for Parklet #1
Need: $400
Purpose: Paint, brushes, sandpaper, caulk, to extend the life of this popular parklet through 2022.

Project: Keeping the lights on at DMi
Need: $5000
Purpose: Cover the most basic overhead items for our survival, including insurance, internet and marketing costs.


The mission of Downtown Mansfield, Inc. (DMi) is to promote, support, and encourage the revitalization and historic relevance of the area known as Historic Mansfield.

Organization Data


Organization name

Downtown Mansfield, Inc.

Tax id (EIN)



Operating Budget

Less than $100,000

Counties Served



900 N Walnut Creek Dr, # 267, Ste 100 126 N Main St.
Mansfield, TX 76063