Annie Pearl Foster Center for Youth Enrichment

A nonprofit organization

Our Needs

We are seeking funding to support our efforts with youth in the Annie Pearl Foster Center for Youth Enrichment in the following areas: academic development; public speaking, the group mentoring /scholarship program, academic tutoring and computer skills. Further, we are developing strategic partnerships with neighboring schools to implement extended academic intervention programs for students who may have experienced gaps in growth due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


The Annie Pearl Foster Center for Youth Enrichment's purpose is to teach values and encourage a greater sense of drive and work ethics in youth by providing sustained support and growth opportunities with an emphasis on character development and mastery of essential knowledge and skills outlined within the following program offering: Academic Tutoring, Computer Lab, Public Speaking, Group Mentoring, Language Development (first language and Spanish).

Organization Data


Organization name

Annie Pearl Foster Center for Youth Enrichment

Operating Budget

Less than $100,000

Counties Served

Collin, Dallas, Rockwall

BIPOC Serving

Black or African American, Hispanic or Latinx

BIPOC Leadership

Both the Executive Director/CEO and Board Chair


300 E. Phillips St.
Richardson, TX 75081



Social Media