AFIL is a unique and innovative residential program located in Dallas. We are unique in that we are a transitional, residential program tailored to meet the needs of each individual. Each person stays in the program as long as it takes them to grow, mature and learn to the maximum level of their abilities. The curriculum is based upon the resident's abilities rather than their disabilities. People with intellectual and developmental disabilities are an underserved population who deserve the opportunity to live a full and independent life within their communities. Our goal at AFIL is to develop these skills in our young adults so that they can live independently and become contributing citizens.
The AFIL Vision is to remain a lively community which consistently meets the needs of our residents so that each individual may feel a sense of belonging and live to their fullest potential, while their families can live with the peace of mind that their loved one is cared for and safe.
Our Needs
Capital Needs - replacement of 48 windows, kitchen update, storage room remodel, apartment updates, replacement of property fence
General Operating Funds to help keep our costs low for our families/clients