Braniff Airways Foundation is currently spearheading the effort to preserve the history of Braniff Airways, Inc., through collecting, preserving, promoting, and protecting the carrier's legacy. The Foundation, originally formed in 1978 as Sherry Fund and later Braniff History Group in 1983 and then in 2012, Braniff Preservation Group, which was created to assist in the preservation efforts for the historic Braniff Operations and Maintenance Base at Dallas Love Field, was registered with the IRS as a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization in October 2015. The Foundation was created by Richard Ben Cass specifically to join together other interested parties in promoting Braniff's history and to generate endowments for the Braniff International Heritage Archives and the Braniff Airways Space Sciences Department at The University of Texas at Dallas.
The Foundation curates the Braniff International Heritage Archives, which includes the lifetime collection of Mr. Cass in addition, to the items donated to the Foundation. The collection was founded in 1972, and has become one of the largest and most comprehensive collections of Braniff memorabilia known to exist. The collection is the official repository for Braniff Airways, Incorporated. It includes over 100 million pages of company records and files, 40,000 collectible items, 1 million plus photos, slides and electronic images as well as large-scale Braniff company models, signage, and over 1100 employee uniforms. One of the founding cornerstones of Braniff Airways Foundation was to make the public aware that any Braniff item is historic and there are organizations that will accept them for preservation for future generations to admire and enjoy.
Since 1978, the group has called on several other institutions to come together not only to assist each another in preserving Braniff's heritage but also in assisting those in need of research access. Preservation Dallas, a Dallas, Texas, based historic preservation advocacy group; The University of Texas of Dallas, which houses the Braniff Video Oral History Program; DOCOMOMO, a modern preservation advocacy group; Flying Crown Land Group, a Non-Profit historic structure preservation development company, and other institutions interested in preserving Braniff's history. The Foundation also engages in the historic preservation of Braniff with the University of Dallas, Oklahoma Historical Society, Duke University, Frontiers of Flight Museum, The Kirkpatrick Science Museum of Oklahoma, and The University of Texas Southwestern.