Equity Statement
Bring the Light Ministries has been very successful in creating an organization based on diversity and inclusion by incorporating humans from all walks of life.
Our staff is more than 50% women from diverse backgrounds including Mexican, Caucasian and Native American. The rest of our staff is African American and Jewish covering a wide range of ethnicities and cultures.
In the event of any conflict, we have created a safe place for our team to be heard and for resolutions to be created.
When surveyed, our team answered yes unanimously to the following survey:
- Do you feel like you have a safe space to speak up in meetings, to your boss, and to your colleagues?
- Do you feel like you’re able, as a [demographic] person, to provide input to our organization?
- Do you feel like there is a work-life balance here?
We continue to support the goals, dreams, and journey of all of our team members while being part of a shared vision to show the world that we are all a community when we look at what is inside each of us instead of what is on the outside.