A nonprofit organization

CROSSFIRE began in 1990 as a grass roots volunteer effort in an east Dallas elementary school. Outreach quickly expanded from the school, to the streets, to the surrounding neighborhood. The target demographic began with Hispanic boys who were at highest risk for gang and drug activity in the neighborhood we serve, and they have remained our primary focus.
Since its inception, CROSSFIRE has served more than 1,000 youth in east Dallas, at varying levels, and many of our original generation who are now in their 30's help make up our volunteer leadership team.
25% of households in our 75223 zip code live below the poverty level - $24,250 for a family of 4.
45% of the adult population in our neighborhood does not have a high school education.
Generational poverty, illiteracy, broken families, addiction and other factors cause alarming risk levels for children and teens in this community and demographic. The most proven method that enables someone to escape poverty is establishing a personal relationship with a mentor who will work with them long term in a holistic manner. That is what CROSSFIRE has been doing for 30+ years.

Our Needs

Funding for day to day operations at our Lion’s Den youth center and Lighthouse residence located in the neighborhood that we serve.  From the Lion’s Den and Lighthouse, we provide a safe haven for kids in need with relational, academic, and family support, as well as spiritual and leadership training.


CROSSFIRE exists to educate, inspire, and equip youth, and assist their families, so they can break the cycle of generational poverty and live abundantly. We impact at-risk youth by providing a safe haven and nurturing relationships that transform lives. These transformations last a life time and impact generations.

We are empowering youth, dismantling poverty, and shaping leaders.


Funding for operations of our Lion's Den rec center that provides a safe haven, academic support, and adult relationships for after school and evenings.

Funding also supports our Lighthouse residential home, and office location, next door to the Lion's Den, for those who need a temporary (sometimes long term) residence.

We serve predominantly teen and young adult Hispanic guys.

Equity Statement

Organization Data


Organization name


Tax id (EIN)




Youth & Children

Operating Budget

$100,000 - $249,999

Counties Served


BIPOC Serving

Hispanic or Latinx


P.O. Box 140164
Dallas, TX 75214