More than 235 non- and for-profit organizations with a single mission.
A recent study by the Child Poverty Action Lab found that Dallas has a 33,600 unit gap in housing. Without action, this gap will grow to 83,500 units by 2030.
At a cost of $200,000/unit, the current housing gap will take at least $6.72B to close. The Dallas Housing Coalition, a grassroots, volunteer-run organization, advocated for an investment of $200M in the City of Dallas’ 2024 Bond Program. Ultimately, a total of $82M across 3 propositions (G, H, and I) was approved by voters on the May 4 ballot to enable our city to leverage municipal funding with private investors and other sources of public funding.
Everyone deserves a place to call home. We are fighting for greater public spending on housing initiatives so that everyone can have a roof over their head.
We are now throwing our support behind ForwardDallas, the City of Dallas’ comprehensive land use plan update. Click here to view our one-pager detailing our position, describing various facts and benefits, and addressing a few of the main concerns raised regarding ForwardDallas.
What’s good for each of us is also what’s good for all of us.
In addition to fueling economic growth, attainable housing promotes a sustainable society, upward mobility, the preservation of our local history, and a more vibrant community.