Organization name
Denton County Veterans Coalition
Operating Budget
Less than $100,000
Counties Served
BIPOC Leadership
P.O. Box 51672Denton, TX 76205
10% complete
$10,000 Goal
The Denton County Veterans Coalition provides emergency financial assistance to Veterans in crisis, works with community partners to end Veteran homelessness, and advocates for increased capacity for Veterans needing behavioral health care for post-traumatic stress and military sexual trauma.
We routinely assist Veterans and their families with utility payments, rent and mortgage payments, educational support and other financial needs. We co-sponsor an annual homeless Veterans stand down in cooperation with the VA.
The DCVC Board is comprised of 10 all-volunteer members. We have no staff and limited expenses (insurance, web site management, post office fees). Ninety percent (90%) or more of all donations go directly to assist Veterans or to Veteran programs.
Helping the brave men and women who have served our country is the priority of the Denton County Veterans Coalition. We encourage others to contribute in any way they can to this worthwhile project.
The Denton County Veterans Coalition serves as an advocate for Veterans and their families, and facilitates collaboration among Veterans organizations and community resources to resolve individual and collective Veterans issues. The DCVC also advocates for the expansion of Veterans-oriented resources and programs in Denton County to serve our Veterans and their families.
Financial support -- help us help Veterans
The DCVC is dedicated to serving ALL Veterans
Organization name
Denton County Veterans Coalition
Operating Budget
Less than $100,000
Counties Served
BIPOC Leadership
P.O. Box 51672