Funds donated will support fathers, parents, families and children residing in Tarrant County. In addition to serving as a central point of contact for resources and information about responsible parenting and fatherhood issues, member organizations host and sponsor numerous community events and resource fairs designed to enhance quality of life issues and the economic stability of Tarrant County families and children. Future planned events and activities include:
• Community celebrations and festive activities
• Sponsorship of an Annual Fathers Hall of Fame Celebration recognizing outstanding fathers in Tarrant County.
• Solicitation of partnerships and sponsors in support of local, State and federal grants and other funding sources to expand our outreach and services to Tarrant County fathers, other parents, families and children.
• Support for continued publication and printing of our signature publication, “Dads Pocket Resource Guides” free of charge to Tarrant County individuals and agency representatives.
• Enhancement and maintenance of Fatherhood Coalition website:
• Sponsors and support of Regional Fatherhood Conferences every two years to promote responsible fatherhood in Tarrant County and to explore and showcase best practices of fatherhood programs.