Flint Academy was founded Flint Academy in 2006. We have recently located to Grand Prairie. We have grown from a school that started with 12 students and a couple of teachers to 125 students and 29 staff members and we are still growing.
Flint Academy is founded on several core principles: Christian, Full-Inclusion, Charlotte Mason, and Classical. First and foremost, we believe that every student is eternally significant and created in the image of God. We accept all students and educate them together, whether that is a student that with a high IQ or low IQ, whether they have a learning difference or are neurodiverse (Autism spectrum), or whether they have ADHD or anxiety, etc. We utilize techniques from Charlotte Mason, a homeschool educator from the 19th century; from the classical education movement; and from Dr. Flint's years of experience as an educator in every environment.
We are very different from any other school out there. Some of our differences include:
4-day school week - Monday through Thursday
Later start time - 9:30-3:30
Small Class Sizes - 12 per class - Grammar School has a Teacher and Teacher's Assistance in all classrooms
Mastery vs. Grades in Grammar School
No homework in the Grammar School
Reading is taught with phonics-based curriculum
Latin as foreign language taught from 3rd grade through 12th grade - it is the foundation of all language
Strong focus in Fine Arts including Music, Drama, and Visual Arts
Classical literature and writing
Christian studies in all classes from PK3-12th grade
Christian curriculum for all core classes
Barton Dyslexia Remediation program is given 1 on 1 to students with dyslexia
Individualized education for all students so that we meet each student's learning style and level
Dual Credit program with McMurray University
College Prep and Honors classes
All students make the team and participate on our sports teams. We currently have flag football, cross country, volleyball, basketball, and track.
90% of students receive tuition assistance
All of this sounds good on paper, but to truly understand it, you would need to meet our staff, our parents, and our students and listen to their personal stories. We have so many stories of students who hated school and did poorly in their schoolwork before they came to Flint. Once they come to Flint, they love learning and coming to school every day. Other stories of students who are bullied and feel like they don't fit in at their prior school and then come to Flint and find their place and thrive. Flint Academy has a family environment and has become a second home to our students.