Friends of the Denton Public Libraries

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$1,000 Goal

The Friends of the Denton Public Libraries raises money to provide materials and equipment for the Denton Public Libraries.

When you make a donation to the Friends of the Denton Public Libraries, your money goes directly to supporting the library system and helping to ensure all community members have access to books, educational materials, and a wide variety of programming, such as the annual Summer Reading Challenge.

2024 Library Projects Funded by the Friends

In 2024, the Friends funded more than $20,000 in much-needed improvements and programs for the Denton Public Library, including:
*Furniture for new conference/study rooms at Emily Fowler Central Library
*Hanging baffling for sound abatement in Teen Room at the North Branch Library
*Memory Kits Collection-multiple types of kits at each library location
*Author/Presenter events
*Incentive books for 2024 Summer Reading Challenge    

In 2025, we hope to continue supporting the Denton Public Libraries with their requests that total about $36,000. The projects include:
*Glowforge Filtration Systems for the North Branch Forge Makerspace
*Youth play area imaginative play fixtures and furniture for the South Branch
*Youth play are furniture for Emily Fowler
*LiteZilla Wall interactive play pane for North Branch
*Author speaking events for the community.
*Incentive books for the 2025 Summer Reading Challenge.



A support group for the library system in its service to the community, the Friends of the Denton Public Library raises money to provide materials and equipment to improve and extend services.

Organization Data


Organization name

Friends of the Denton Public Libraries

Tax id (EIN)




Community Improvement

Operating Budget

Less than $100,000

Counties Served


BIPOC Leadership



DENTON, TX 76201