Got Her Back was founded as a 501(c)(3) in October of 2019 by Women’s National Football Conference Founder and CEO Odessa Jenkins. Created as an anti-bullying response with the goal of building allyship for girls playing traditionally male-dominated sports, Got Her Back has now expanded to education and mentorship worldwide. While some young women struggle to see their future in football and exit their athletic careers early, others persevere through the bullying and stress as the only girl playing on a team of primarily boys. Got Her Back advocates for girls in football and empowers them to become leaders in their community on and off the field.
Over the last four years, a support network has been built for girls in football. Connections developed with Women’s National Football Conference athletes instill confidence and allow girls to see a future for themselves in the game. Girls in football have the opportunity to share their stories, receive support and elevate their game through football camps created for girls and coached by women.
As opportunities increase for females in football, with growth on every level of the game and the addition of football as both a college scholarship and Olympic sport, Got Her Back exists to empower girls and women throughout their football journey.