Heavenly Hooves Therapeutic & Recreational Riding Center

A nonprofit organization

$250 raised by 1 donor

5% complete

$5,500 Goal

Heavenly Hooves is an equine assisted therapeutic riding center for special needs individuals and at-risk youth at no charge!  What this really means is that for those kids and adults who have some challenges in this crazy world, Heavenly Hooves is there to assist by using horses to help improve their quality of life.  Riding a horse has some many natural ways to physically work our bodies, as well as how cool is it to ride a horse!  Working on everything from physical movement and stretching or strength training, to identifying colors, practicing speech techniques, to learning meditative techniques like deep breathing, visualization.  Boundaries, emotional regulation, and safety are also areas of the treatment plans we typically implement.  

We provide this without charge, and all of the staff are 100% volunteers (no paid staff).  This means that 100% of any money donated or sponsorships are going to provide the programs for the students and take care of the horses. 

We are a Christian organization that believes that we are to step out to not only do work but to show the love of Christ through our actions and love our neighbors.  Everyone has a purpose and a value - we want each student and family to know that we will advocate for them.

Thank you in advance for donating to Heavenly Hooves and helping others through your financial generosity.

Giving Activity


Providing programs with horses to assist individuals with challenges to have a better quality of life, and providing this in a caring and therapeutic environment in which our Christian values and beliefs are incorporated. Our Equine Assisted Healthcare programs serve individuals with physical, psychological, or emotional diagnosis Free of Charge.


Heavenly Hooves desperately needs a covered riding area! Most of our students are sensitive to extreme heat and cold. Currently we have to cancel sessions when it rains due to mud, or if it is too hot or too cold. Consistency is key to providing the best results to help our students and some of the students have limited time to maintain their health. It is imperative to them!

Please help if you can!

Equity Statement

Heavenly Hooves has a shared lease for land for 1.00 per year.

The organization also owns 9 horses, a horse trailer and a multitude of equine tack and 2 round pens.

The organization has no loans.

Campaigns supporting this organization

Organization Data


Organization name

Heavenly Hooves Therapeutic & Recreational Riding Center

Tax id (EIN)




Intellectual, Developmental, and Physical Differences

Operating Budget

Less than $100,000

Counties Served

Collin, Fannin, Grayson, Hunt, Rockwall

BIPOC Leadership

Board Chair


18897 Johnson Ln.
Farmersville, TX 75442