Organization name
Kennedale Fine Arts Booster Club
Operating Budget
Less than $100,000
901 Wildcat Way PO Box 1208, TX 76060
The Kennedale Fine Arts Booster Club helps to aid and support the fine arts programs at Kennedale High School. From Theatre Arts, Choir, and Art, the Fine Arts Booster Club supports our students by providing them the opportunity to exceed in Fine Arts programs during their time as high school students. The Fine Arts Booster club works tirelessly with the Fine Arts teachers at Kennedale High School working to provide supplies, enrichment, and opportunities for student success. Our program has grown exponentially in the last four years with student involvment, amount of productions done each year, and the quality of material produced by each fine art group.
As our program grows, so does our need for supplies. We currently have a small budget for our Fine Arts Programs, and are in need of supplies for our classroom, theaters, music and arts facilities. Supplies would include (but are not limited to): tools (saws, drills, sewing machines for our Theatre Dept, art supplies for our Visual Art Program, risers, microphones, and music stands for our Vocal Music program.
Promote spirit, encourage dreams, support talent, and lend a hand to those students and teachers who make up the Fine Art program at Kennedale High School. We pledge to make every effort to communicate effectively with parents, students, teachers and administrators, as well as to rally the support of our local community.
Organization name
Kennedale Fine Arts Booster Club
Operating Budget
Less than $100,000
901 Wildcat Way PO Box 1208