Originally founded in 1999 as a personal Christmas project to fill 20 bags with gloves and socks, the project has grown to 100s of volunteers filling 800+ backpacks with bus passes, socks, food, and necessities for adults and children experiencing homelessness throughout Tarrant county. With each distribution of filled backpacks people can chose additional items of need such as socks, blankets, combs, razors, toothpaste, toothbrushes, menstrual products, band-aids, shampoo/conditioner, body wash, deodorant, bug repellant, fruit and more.
Annually providing:
880 backpacks= 1,760 TRE bus passes, 400 blankets, 400 mittens, 400 scarves, 480 bandanas, 880 Ziploc bags, 1,760 snacks crackers, 1,760 water bottles, 830 baseball hats, 430 bandanas, 2,920 Bombas socks and 860 washcloths.