
A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$10,000 Goal

Giving Activity


Mission EDIFY exist to initiate a trauma-informed approach to forgiveness in church and outreach communities.


"As an organization dedicated to walking alongside sexually exploited women as they heal from trauma, we seek new ways to meet their needs. One avenue is to provide webinars for women who live in outlying areas and are unable to attend weekly support groups.

Mission EDIFY meets a specific need by providing resources that are a crucial part of healing from the shame our women have endured. Founder, Wendy Redroad presents an empathetic and practical approach as women learn to forgive themselves and others. Our reach can stretch much further if we have an avenue for providing classes via an online platform."

--Emily Chavez, ValiantHearts.org, Program Director

Mission EDIFY's top priority needs are

1. Additional funds for resource development and class supplies for support group participants.

2. Support for rising administrative costs.

3. Supplies for day retreats.

Equity Statement

Organization Data


Organization name


Operating Budget

Less than $100,000

Counties Served

Dallas, Tarrant, Denton

BIPOC Serving

Native American

BIPOC Leadership

Executive Director/CEO


11716 Pheasant Creek Drive
Keller, TX 76244