Our Mother of Perpetual Help Educational Program

A nonprofit organization

$14,270 raised by 52 donors

48% complete

$30,000 Goal

FOR LEARNERS OF ALL AGES!! Learning never stops -- we welcome students from ages 10 to 100! 

Our educational program offers traditional and functional academics, as well as vocational training, to children and adults of all ages with Down Syndrome, Angelman Syndrome, Cerebal Palsy, autism, and similar intellectual and developmental differences. Each student's success is the result of a collaboration between teachers, parents, therapists, and administrators.

We are singular in our EXTREMELY LOW teacher-to-student ratio. Our ultimate goal for each learner is to help them live independently, fulfill their chosen vocation, and contribute to their community. We emphasize appropriate and enriching social interaction with others. Each classroom has an educator and paraprofessional and no more than seven students. That ratio is UNMATCHED in any DFW school of this kind.  

Our Mother of Perpetual Help offers a year-round program with eight to nine weeks of vacation throughout the year. This keeps our students from regressing during the summer months, as happens with students at other private and public schools. And we are the only non-public school to offer on-site speech therapy from our licensed speech therapist.

Our students enjoy a varied and stimulating daily routine and are nurtured emotionally and educationally. TCU Football team members volunteer their time for P.E., Soccer Shots visits campus three times per week; Mrs. Derber-Leuck teaches music twice a week and students volunteer in the Broadway Baptist Church Community Center to assist with stocking pantry items, sorting clothing, and organizing toiletry bags for clients.  

We are looking to expand our program to include specialized education for other learning differences such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADHD, and more. To achieve this, we urgently seek your support to raise funds that will allow us to hire dedicated faculty for these new areas of focus.

OMOPHEP is a welcoming and diverse community. We welcome and encourage enrollment of students of all faiths from all backgrounds.


The mission of Our Mother of Perpetual Help Educational Program is to provide traditional and functional academics and vocational training to students with Down Syndrome, autism and similar disabilities, and to insure their complete inclusion in society.


We urgently seek your support to raise funds for a learning differences program, allowing us to hire dedicated faculty who can provide specialized education for students with challenges such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADHD, and more.

We encourage our generous donors to underwrite one of our deserving learners. Donors will receive regular updates and handwritten notes from your learner.

Every single penny of your donation goes to the education of the students. Administration services are provided at no cost by the founder of the program, so every dollar goes straight toward teachers' salaries and other vital program costs.

Equity Statement

We are aware of the inherent societal biases against persons of color and we are working to right those wrongs in our little community. Our Mother of Perpetual Help Educational Program leadership is in constant communication with advisors who help us in serve our current students of color and in our outreach efforts to prospective students of color.

Organization Data


Organization name

Our Mother of Perpetual Help Educational Program

Tax id (EIN)




Intellectual, Developmental, and Physical Differences

Operating Budget

$250,000 - $499,999

Counties Served


Equity Statement

Equity Statement


305 W. Broadway Ave. c/o Broadway Baptist Church
Fort Worth, TX 76104



Social Media