Oasis Center

A nonprofit organization

100% complete

$0 Goal

Oasis Center's mission involves assisting first time youth offenders and formerly incarcerated persons. To provide these services while remaining "client centric", Oasis Center is a part of several Dallas based secular and faith-basedcollaborations. As of 2020, which was the inception of the South Dallas Employment Project (SDEP), Oasis Center has been working diligently SDEP, and SDEP's 150+ partners here in Dallas. Collectively, we provide a continuum of services to Dallas citizens with barriers to employment.  This “opportunity population” consists primarily of criminal justice involved individuals, people residing in low – income neighborhoods, and communities experiencing high levels of crime. This effort addresses homeless individuals, their immediate family members, under-employed workers, and Veterans.

As a vendor for Dallas College, Oasis Centers has teamed up with Dallas College, the Regional Black Contractors Association, the Texas Department of Transportation, Workforce Solutions of Greater Dallas, and the Lone Star Justice Alliance in providing Oasis Center Job Readiness Work Camps (JRWC), Coaching, Case Management, and more in connection with several Nationally Recognized Vocational Certificate and Certification training programs leading to employment at true livable wages. 

Our impact, as a collaboration, focuses on more than just the client we serve. It includes wrap-around services as well as “coaches” we provide to each JRWC student. This also includes services to client's immediate family members. All of this is accomplished through the use of a shared data system principally operated by Oasis Center staff members.


Our Mission: To provide life changing programs and services to first time youth offenders and formerly incarcerated persons.


Our Needs

Corporate supporters, volunteer facilitators, an attorney with nonprofit experience, and volunteers with social media experience.

Equity Statement

Oasis Center uses a lens that is intersectional, inclusive of racial, economic, social, political, and gender disparities. Oasis Center is fully committed to being an anti-racist organization, focused on achieving racial equity in the nonprofit sector as well as in general society. We are accelerating our personal learning journeys, confronting our own biases and blind spots, and creating opportunities for others to do the same.

Organization Data


Organization name

Oasis Center

Tax id (EIN)




Education - Career Prep, Employment & Workforce Development, Justice-involved adults or youth

Operating Budget

$250,000 - $499,999

Counties Served

Collin, Dallas, Hunt, Johnson

BIPOC Serving

Black or African American, Hispanic or Latinx

BIPOC Leadership

Executive Director/CEO

Equity Statement

Equity Statement


4131 N. Central Expressway, Suite 900
Dallas, TX 75204



Social Media