Law Enforcement agencies are short-staffed, underfunded, and lack the experience or knowledge to produce the type of programming we offer through Patrol Stories. Funding for extracurricular activities and programming has been reduced dramatically. Many Title 1 campuses are not equipped with a PTA (parent teacher association) or PTO (parent teacher organization) to help with funding additional programming into schools. This leaves a vast majority of students, mostly in the underserved communities, with little to no reinforced safety education experiences. Approximately 81.67% of students impacted by the Patrol Stories program come from economically disadvantaged neighborhoods and are predominantly from multicultural families. Through our educational programs, we have seen a significant increase in safety awareness among students and community members and a decrease in crime or accident-related incidents at each campus. Participants gain a better understanding of potential risks and learn practical strategies to mitigate them, leading to safer behaviors both in the classroom and in public spaces.
Over 88% of communities that take part in our program say this is the first positive learning interaction with first responders they have had, and this is a much-needed engagement for citizens and first responders to build bridges of understanding and trust.