Prayer Warriors Marathon Retreat Ministry Incorporated

A nonprofit organization

11% complete

$5,000 Goal

The Prayer Warriors Marathon Retreat (PWMR) ministry has been operating since the summer of 2012.  

Our passion for seeing people healed, delivered, saved and set free; is all because of the love of God in our lives (spirit, soul and body). Our 24-hour Prayer Warrior Marathon Retreats are scheduled quarterly.  The event is usually a prayer breakfast, seminar, or conference with on-going training to pray scripture, in understanding that the fervent prayers of the righteous avails much. We are constantly learning how to effectively pray according to scriptural authority using the Word of God as a means to allow the power of the Holy Spirit to reach those who do not yet know Christ and need healing in spirit, soul, and body.


Daily: We pray as the request are texted or called in.

Weekly: We pray for prayer needs and issues on our prayer line every Thursday night.

Monthly: We do house to house potluck Prayer Meetings.

Quarterly: We do 24-hour prayer marathons and a small prayer event, during these times we share Christ in the market place.

Yearly: In June or July we do one of our main fundraising events.

  • A special Prayer Breakfast
  • Seminar, or Conference w/a keynote speaker
  • Special music
  • One-hour prayer meeting.


Our mission and vision as a prayer ministry is to serve individuals and families through fervent prayers and supplication.


We trust the Lord to raise the necessary funds for this years’ Prayer Warrior Marathon Retreat-Ministry (PWMR) Missions to continue seeking God as we pray without ceasing. Funds received will go directly to helping us as we do community outreach, financially support long-term and short-term missionaries. We distribute bibles and tracts, print newsletters, flyers, and business cards. Whatever God lead you to give will be greatly appreciated.

Organization Data


Organization name

Prayer Warriors Marathon Retreat Ministry Incorporated

other names


Tax id (EIN)




Religion/Spiritual Focus

Operating Budget

Less than $100,000

Counties Served


BIPOC Serving

Black or African American, Hispanic or Latinx, Other

BIPOC Leadership

Executive Director/CEO


PO BOX 763596
DALLAS, TX 75376