Today, school districts like Prosper ISD are growing, innovating, balancing all levels of student potential and needs, feeding students 2 of their 3 meals a day, transporting them, ensuring their health, managing social and emotional needs and more. The list literally goes on and on.
Meanwhile, school funding has never been more complex or uncertain as State Boards make funding redirection decisions that affect our district in ways that can seem unfair. The community of Prosper ISD demands a top education for their children and expect the best. Making funds available to Prosper ISD where needed can make that happen. That's where the Prosper Education Foundation comes in. We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization supporting and investing in academic excellence, innovation and achievement in Prosper ISD. YOUR gift makes the difference! Thank you for considering a gift to PEF!
Our Needs
PEF is currently raising funds for Prosper ISD teacher grants, teacher resources, educational programs and Senior scholarships. Your funds will help us ensure Prosper ISD teachers have everything they need to teach at the highest level. Your gift will impact our district in important ways to ensure Prosper ISD is hiring and retaining the best and brightest teachers in Texas. We are providing resources to assist the philosophy of Prosper ISD to hire from within by offering training and professional development funds where needed.
This month, Prosper ISD teachers are submitting grant ideas that will innovate, inspire, and better instruct their students. Together, we will fund those ideas and innovative learning tools teachers need to teach at the highest level! Last year, we could not fund all requests, and we know the tools are out there to enhance education for our students. We want to fund as many teacher requests as possible. Please join us!