Equity Statement
Refresh NTX
Racial Equity Statement
Refresh Frisco and Refresh Little Elm are committed to a diverse, inclusive, and equitable environment where all board members, staff, volunteers, and members feel respected and valued regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation or identity, disability, education, or any other bias.
We’re committed to being nondiscriminatory and providing equal opportunities for employment, volunteering, and advancement in all areas of our work.
We respect the value that diverse life experiences bring to our board and leadership, and we strive to listen to their views and give them value.
We’re committed to modeling diversity, inclusion, and equity and maintaining fair and equal treatment for all.
Our board’s philosophy on our goals to provide informed leadership for diversity, inclusion, and equity include:
We will strive to see diversity, inclusion, and equity in connection with our vision and mission for the benefit of those we serve.
We aim to recognize and address inequities in our policies, programs, and services.
We promise to investigate underlying assumptions that interfere with our diversity policy.
We commit to advocating for systemic inequities that impact our work at the board level and address it according to this policy and in accordance with our mission.
We commit to being transparent about diversity in all our interactions.
We commit to leading with respect and tolerance and we encourage all board members and volunteers to express this in their work within our organization.