Shine Bright Like Bella

A nonprofit organization

$375 raised by 3 donors

8% complete

$5,000 Goal

Shine Bright Like Bella is a 501(c)3 corporation created to honor the legacy of Bella Gonzales. Your tax-deductible contribution will allow us this opportunity by funding multiple scholarships for recipients who lead and transform lives as well as supporting SBLB’s efforts to provide resources along with financial assistance to victims, and raise awareness for dating/domestic abuse, mental health related issues, and suicide prevention.

Bella graduated from Northwest High School in 2016 and was a cheerleader at UNT for 4 years. At the time of her passing in 2022, she was a personal trainer, nutrition coach, gymnastics, and cheer coach as well as the strength and conditioning coach for the UNT cheerleaders. She was a leader who was an advocate for mental health awareness and suicide prevention. Bella was passionate about Jesus, sharing her faith with everyone; she was known as the encourager who was always showering others with positive affirmations. 

With the generosity of our community and business partners, we have been able to accomplish the following since SBLB launched in June of 2022 –  

  • Share Bella’s testimony and share SBLB’s Mission & Vision to over 2500 people through various speaking opportunities.  
  • Provide Scholarships for 3 College Students who are leading and transforming lives.  
  • Partner with local domestic violence charities –  
    • Provide Christmas toys, blankets, and socks to 250 children whose families have been directly impacted by Domestic Abuse.   
    • Provide Holiday Meals to Families that are victims of Domestic Violence.   
  • Participate and Support Out of the Darkness Walk to raise awareness and funds for suicide prevention.  
  • Participate and speak at the Wise County Suicide Awareness Walk.  
  • Partner with and Support Dream Big – PSP Counseling to provide counseling services to those that are underinsured and uninsured.   

Isaiah 6:8 NLT - Then I heard the Lord asking, "Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?" I said, "Here I am. Send me."


Shine Bright Like Bella’s Mission is to provide a combined Hope and Will to Live by offering financial assistance to students and families, raise awareness and increase education to prevent dating / domestic abuse. In addition, we want to emphasize the importance of recognizing and seeking help to for mental and psychological health as well as addressing any suicide risks specifically associated with this type of abuse.

The devastating truth is that an alarming 33%-40% of women will experience a form of dating or domestic violence during their lifetime. Dating and domestic abuse comes in many forms: physical, sexual, mental, psychological, verbal, and financial. Research indicates that victims of abuse can experience long-term physical and mental health issues. Victims are also seven times more likely to experience suicidal thoughts. Recognizing that advocacy must begin at the grassroots level of our local communities, Shine Bright Like Bella Inc. is committed to providing resources, awareness, and education.

Everyone has an inherent right to live in a safe environment filled with hope and freedom surrounded by a loving, supportive, and protective community. Our Vision is to prevent dating and domestic violence, encourage victims to pursue assistance, and eliminate suicide as the only option. We aim to promote respectful and healthy relationships for all through positive affirmations and fellowships that build resilience, confidence, and self-worth.


Capital to Fund Scholarships for Survivors of Dating / Domestic Abuse who are seeking to further their education to establish financial freedom and independence.

Equity Statement

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Statement

Understanding that varying perspectives allow our organization to be more effective, Shine Bright Like Bella is committed to a stronger culture of inclusion and diversity within our organization and facilitating inclusion for equity-deserving voices across all levels of staff and governance.

Organization Data


Organization name

Shine Bright Like Bella

Tax id (EIN)




Domestic/Family Violence & Advocacy

Operating Budget

Less than $100,000

Counties Served

Dallas, Denton, Tarrant, Wise


PO BOX 375
JUSTIN, TX 76247