As a Title I high school, the costs of maintaining and supporting the band program have continued to increase, while funding for valuable arts programs in our schools has decreased due to recapture tax that has significantly impacted our school district.
Funding shortfalls for our band program are raised primarily through Vines Band Booster fundraising efforts over the course of the academic year, making community support paramount to ensuring all students are provided an opportunity to participate in band and concert regardless of their financial ability to do so.
Support to help offset rising costs includes:
• Financial assistance in the form of scholarships for instruments and uniforms
• Needed supplies and services including bus transportation to marching band performances
• Replacement of aging equipment
• Providing available expert clinicians and off-site educational instruction to the students
• Financial support for our feeder school band programs at Haggard Middle School and Wilson Middle school – Nearly 400 families benefit from support provided to the Band Boosters!