Visions for Change Incorporated

A nonprofit organization

$28,798 raised by 29 donors

29% complete

$100,000 Goal

Hello, everyone. My name is Denise Lee, and I am the Executive Director and Founder of Visions for Change. I want to start by being completely transparent - starting a non-profit organization was never my intention. It all began with a deep desire to heal my community.

A little over seven years ago, tragedy struck when four law enforcement officials were shot. In the aftermath of this devastating event, over 200 people gathered together in search of healing. We came together to talk, to listen, to learn, to grow, and most importantly, to heal. This gathering marked the birth of our first Community Conversation.

The Community Conversation program has since become a platform for opening the door to civil and respectful discussions around race, bigotry, violence, bias, and privilege. Through these conversations, we realized that there were other areas in our community that required attention and action. And so, Visions for Change, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, was born.

Our organization is dedicated to creating, building, and supporting programs, activities, workshops, and art that bring us closer to a more cohesive community. We firmly believe in not only building bridges but also breaking down barriers that hinder growth, understanding, and peace. Through conversation, workshops, education, and the arts, we strive to make a positive impact.

I encourage you to explore our website and learn more about the work we do. If you have any questions or would like to get involved, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via email at info

Thank you for taking the time to stop by and learn more about Visions for Change. 

Together, we are making a  difference in our community.



To create equitable spaces and dynamic programming that disrupt systemic and social biases. To foster a community where diversity is foundational, and all voices are empowered to contribute.


Our Needs:

As we continue to grow, funding is needed for the following:

1. To provide training and support for our staff and volunteers. and continue programs such as Community Conversation and the Chicks Who Chat Podcast. Relaunch the Denise Lee Onstage Cabaret Series. Through the unifying power of music, Cabaret for Change' is set to start again in January 2024. We are hoping for Corporate Sponsorship to help us with this effort. Please email info@visionsforchange for more information

2. To offer and provide free/low cost workshop opportunities to community and art organizations. Workshops through our North Texas Anti-Racist Trust Initiative such as 'Do The Work' by W. Kamau Bell, hosting anti-racist training workshops with experts like Nicole Brewer have been major successes in the last year.

3. The formation of an Artist Advocacy Committee to stand with and make sure there is a voice for the unheard.

.Your giving will help ensure we are able to operate these programs and continue the work we began more than 7 years ago.

Equity Statement

The intersectionality of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is a part of our DNA. These three things are inextricably connected. By keeping that at the forefront of our efforts, we are committed to living up to our Mission Statement by:

1. Building bridges in our community through programs that make us think, that make us smile, that make us engage

2. Presenting and promoting events and activities that advocate and support equitable rights for marginalized groups

3. Conducting workshops and educational programs in safe spaces that allow for personal and societal growth.

Organization Data


Organization name

Visions for Change Incorporated

Tax id (EIN)




Human Rights, Civil Rights & Advocacy

Operating Budget

Less than $100,000

Counties Served


BIPOC Leadership

Executive Director/CEO


P.O. Box 270013
Dallas, TX 75227