About Us
At World Relief Texas, for over 40 years we have come alongside refugees and other immigrants in vulnerable situations as they rebuild their lives in the United States. We have worked since 1980 to empower the local church to walk alongside refugees and immigrants in the DFW area.
For decades, we have empowered churches, community organizations and individuals like you to adapt to the challenges of the moment for the sake of refugees. As the demand for our services has increased in recent years, we have expanded our work beyond refugees to include all immigrants in vulnerable situations.
Today, World Relief Texas is part of a national network of offices through which over 400,000 immigrants and refugees have been welcomed into this country. Overall, we are building welcoming communities with the local Church, and envision the most vulnerable people transformed economically, socially, and spiritually.
How We Respond
It feels overwhelming, massive and it's hard to see what you can do to help. Here's the good news. When you join us today, you can.
At World Relief, over the past twenty years we've welcomed, befriended, advocated for and helped support thousands of refugees and other immigrants in vulnerable situations to communities all across our nation. And we've done so with the help of bold and compassionate women and men just like you. Your generosity is transformative and will provide immediate and ongoing support for individuals and families arriving from other countries to the U.S.
Your gift today goes directly to helping people in their most vulnerable moments, making lasting impact for generations.
This Year
We are very excited about this day at World Relief Texas! As we partner with the local church and community, we desire to see the church come around refugees and immigrants to show them who Christ is. We can only achieve this through partners like YOU!