Since 1915, we've been protecting children and preserving families. We protect children from abuse, neglect and family separation and help them heal when those tragedies do happen. Some of our programs keep children and families together while others provide a healing home for children who can't live with their families. With the support of a caring community, families can thrive‚ and children can experience safety, hope and love.
Our Needs
The essential services provided by ACH are critical to the children and families we care for. Adult caregivers are provided with learning opportunities and support to improve their parenting skills to avoid family separation whenever possible. When the state determines a child is not safe living with their parents, we provide caring environments for children to overcome and heal from the trauma they’ve experienced. And to lessen the trauma of family disruptions, we have expanded services to place these children with relatives and others with whom the child or family have a relationship.
While every family crisis is unique, financial instability, homelessness, family conflict, abuse and neglect are prominent and recurring problems and the 18 programs in our continuum of care are specifically designed to address these issues. Understanding the increased need for mental health issues, especially among adolescents with more severe behaviors, we have also set out to provide safe, therapeutic treatment programs that our community lacks. We hope you'll join us for this special day of giving and consider the most generous gift you can give for the most vulnerable children and families in our community.