Organization name
Children's Advocacy Center of Parker County
Youth & Children
Operating Budget
$500,000 - $999,999
Counties Served
1224 Clear Lake Road OptionalWeatherford, TX 76086
The Children's Advocacy Center of Parker County (CACPC) provides a safe and child friendly environment where abused children have an opportunity to tell their story to a professional forensic interviewer. The CACPC also provides family advocacy services to meet the needs of the child and protective parents/caregivers. Working with multi-disciplinary team members, including law enforcement, prosecution, pediatric medical providers, and licensed therapists, the advocacy center also coordinates therapeutic recovery services, medical evaluations, and court accompaniment for children who have been sexually abused and/or severely physically abused. All services are provided at no charge to the child or child's family.
In addition to direct financial support to fund our programs for children and families, we need gift cards from local department/grocery stores to help the families with groceries, school supplies, and household items, as well as cards from businesses that sell fuel and fast food restaurants, for families who come to our center for counseling appointments after school. These help the families get to and from our center and help with ensure they have meals on busy school nights. Bottled water is also always needed and appreciated.
Children's Advocacy Center of Parker County is committed to ending the cycle of child abuse by giving the children of Parker County a voice.
The Children's Advocacy Center of Parker County is fortunate to have many individuals and organizations support our work throughout the year. However, in addition to direct financial support, we always need gift cards to local fast food restaurants and businesses that sell gasoline for our families in crisis. This allows us to help families with fuel to get to and from counseling sessions and pick up meals when they are here late for their appointments. We also need more volunteers to help welcome children and families to our Center, by serving at our front desk during weekday mornings and afternoons.
View our current participation opportunities.
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Holiday Wish List
Children's Advocacy Center of Parker County
Ongoing opportunity
Organization name
Children's Advocacy Center of Parker County
Youth & Children
Operating Budget
$500,000 - $999,999
Counties Served
1224 Clear Lake Road Optional