The Covenant School of Dallas

A nonprofit organization

$129,000 raised by 21 donors

86% complete

$150,000 Goal

Mission and Purpose

Covenant exists to glorify God by equipping students with the tools necessary to pursue a lifetime of learning so that they may discern, reason, and defend truth in service to our Lord, Jesus Christ.

The purpose of classical Christian education is the formation of an authentic human being. This is a soul-shaping endeavor. Covenant equips children to learn independently, think critically, analyze logically, and express themselves with clarity and purpose.

Our Needs

Your gift to The Covenant School provides much-needed resources for our most pressing needs through the Paving the Way Campaign. Our community is dedicated to fostering a culture of Christian hospitality, belonging, and "love of neighbor" for everyone, including all guests who visit. Your partnership in "paving the way" to a safe and welcoming community, as well as preparing our campus for future projects, is making a significant difference for Covenant students, families, faculty, and alumni now and in the future.

Please click here to learn more about how our Paving the Way Campaign addresses both the Annual budgetary needs of the school (including the Covenant Fund and Tuition Assistance) and Capital Projects (including Safety & Security enhancements, Parking Additions, and Bleacher Expansion).

We are grateful to the Communities Foundation of Texas for covering all transaction fees through December 31, so 100% of all donations go directly to Covenant.

Thank you for your support, and Non Nobis!

Organization Data


Organization name

The Covenant School of Dallas

Tax id (EIN)




Education - K-12

Operating Budget

$10,000,000 or more

Counties Served

Collin, Dallas

Equity Statement

Equity Statement


7300 Valley View Lane
Dallas, TX 75240

