We provide basic resources for our families such as food, clothing, household resources and school supplies. We have a yearly outreach in which we provide over 1,000 pairs of shoes for our families. We wash their feet and give them new shoes. We provide turkeys for Thanksgiving. We adopt over 200 families every year for toys for Christmas. We also work hand in hand with the Fort Worth Police Dept. working on bridging the gap between our families and law enforcement.
Our Needs
Our ministry model is based out of the use of a 24 foot trailer with sound and stage. We are needing to make a few updates to the sound and some small repairs on the trailer in order to be effective in our programs. Due to Covid, our monthly donations have been down drastically. We are also having to reinvent our outreach programs to ensure the safety of our families that we work with. We have been in operation for over 27 years. One of our primary neighborhoods has shut down this year and we are relocating to a new neighborhood close by. We need the resources and funding to able to start a new foundation in this new neighborhood. We have also had many families reach out to us, needing assistance with rent, basic utilities, clothing and groceries. Due to Covid-19 many of our families have been displaced. But our shortage of funds has not allowed us to assist our families like we need to.