Immaculate Conception School is a Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 8 Catholic Elementary and Middle School under the Diocese of Dallas Schools Office. Immaculate Conception School is accredited through the Texas Catholic Conference Education Department (TCCED).
Our ICS vision is to educate students to become future Catholic leaders who are able to make a positive difference in our world by incorporating strong Catholic beliefs into their lifestyles.
The guiding philosophy of Immaculate Conception Catholic School is to provide a safe and caring environment in which optimum learning can take place.
We endeavor to educate the whole child, providing an atmosphere that encourages students to develop fully the spiritual, intellectual, personal, social, physical and artistic domains.
We strive to challenge each student to become responsible, self-motivated and self-disciplined. The partnership between parents and the school is of utmost importance, our common goal being the development of strong Catholic ideals and character, a sense of self-worth, a spirit of discovery and the experience of learning and living with purpose. We recognize and accept this partnership as the fundamental pillar of our children's education.
Much has been written by the late Pope John Paul II and the Magisterium concerning the role of parents in the education of their children. John Paul II's Letter to Families and his Apostolic Letter, Familiaris Consortio-The Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World, as well the Catechism of the Catholic Church, are all excellent sources for what the Catholic Church teaches.
Our Needs
Updates to school playground
Scoreboards for gym
Carpet in some classrooms