WCOA is the only nonprofit organization within Collin County that provides not only health, but comprehensive services specifically for seniors, a critical growing need in our community. All donations support our programs, allowing us to maintain low to no cost services for older adults in Collin County. Our services and programs include:
- Preventive Healthcare: Registered nurses address physical, psychological, and sociological needs of individuals aged 55 and older. Services include foot, hand, and ear care; blood pressure and blood sugar screenings; and low-cost lab work. Preventive Healthcare also provides Case Management that educates seniors via professionally led group discussions addressing senior healthcare issues, delivers 1-on-1 health-related education during each client appointment, and offers free loans of durable medical equipment.
- Mental Health Counseling: Individual and group counseling sessions with a licensed counselor provide positive encouragement and strengthening of mental health for caregivers; assist with life's transitions; and helps caregivers and family members of seniors cope and reduce stress. WCOA's Caregiver Support Group is a safe environment for those caring for loved ones to share and encourage one another. Memory Cafe/Mental Aerobics is a highly interactive program designed to strengthen cognitive function through games and activities while providing modeling and information for caregivers.
- Social Supportive Services: A social worker helps seniors and/or their families navigate and secure public health benefits and resources.
Benefits Counseling assists with Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, and utility assistance.
Information, Referral and Assistance provides housing, legal aid, financial assistance, medical, home health, and other resources.
Gatekeeper identifies and assists seniors currently or at risk of becoming homeless in securing a stable living environment.
Project Independence is a short-term, non-medical
program providing transportation, light housekeeping, and errands for seniors with recent hospitalization or health decline.