Our patients are our priority! We ensure patients receive this highest quality care possible, and recently achieved Patient Centered Medical Home Status Level III (this highest) on our very first try! We also received a Clinical Quality Award from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). We have terrific providers and support staff that are eager to see and support individuals and families.
Our Needs
We need for the community to know that Mission East Dallas is a medical and dental home for all: regardless of ability to pay or insurance. To please refer individuals and families to Mission East Dallas if they are in need of medical or dental care. To partner with us so, together, we can better meet the health and social needs of our larger community. If anyone is feeling so led, a $25.00 donation pays for a basic medical office visit for one individual and a $50.00 donation pays for a basic dental visit for one individual. Any amount is appreciated and will be applied to direct patient care or supplies/other needs that facilitate or enable direct patient care.