Equity Statement
We Shall Walk Together
There is a long history of discrimination against people of color (BIPOC) in the United States. We are all called upon to work together to meet the huge challenges that go to the root of our existence as a nation.
- MINT rejects the racism and deep-seated inequities that are systemic in our society.
- We stand in solidarity with the peaceful protestors and with all those who stand up for civil rights and human rights.
We recognize that to create change, each one of us has work to do on a continuous basis. We recognize that even as we look deeply within ourselves, we must support all individuals in our organization -- faculty, staff, and students alike -- in doing the same.
Our call to action is dual in nature - we must each reflect deeply on ourselves first, and then carry our realizations out into our work in society. Personal change is powerful. When change begins within an individual, an entire community can be influenced, and an entire society can be changed. As one of our MINT students has said, "I think all teachers need to be trained like this because it changes your view on the way you look at yourself. When you think about changing the whole world it's very, very overwhelming. But now my part in this is going to be for my community and my school and to make that change very small and one child at a time."
MINT was founded and remains grounded in the knowledge that, in Dr. Montessori's words, "the child is both a hope and a promise for mankind," and "it is absolutely certain that the secret of future human power lies hidden within humanity as it develops - within young people."
- We renew our commitment to nurture and protect that hope and promise through both individual action and social responsibility.
- We affirm our commitment to continue to examine ourselves and our institution to ensure that our practices reflect our founding principles.
- We affirm our commitment to training that begins with the "study of one's self" and the understanding that change must begin within the individual.
- We renew our commitment to train teachers who will recognize and honor our common humanity and work for a better future for all our children.
- We renew our commitment to work in this way to create a world of equity and social justice, where all children can achieve their full potential and live in peace and dignity.
"We shall walk together on this path of life, for all things are part of the universe and are connected with each other to form one whole unity." ~ Maria Montessori