Reentry into society after incarceration is no small feat. With no direction, resources, or support, returning citizens are almost guaranteed to be re-incarcerated. Currently, Tarrant County has a 57% recidivism rate. That means OVER HALF of the individuals released, goes back. We want to change that!
Prison to Purpose seeks to be the support system for those in transition from prison back into their communities and into their purpose. We do this by offering a comprehensive 12 week curriculum based workshop on personal development, life and job skills! We understand that real transition takes place in the mind first! Hence, our motto, "Retraining your mind; Realizing your purpose."
Our Needs
Funds would go to continuing to purchase the curriculum materials for the participants. We also provide small meals for each participant at our class sessions. Additionally, we hold a graduation for each class and gift our graduates with professional clothing, shoes, and accessories.