Stage West Theatre

A nonprofit organization

$37,807 raised by 109 donors

95% complete

$40,000 Goal

Donations received on North Texas Giving Day directly support Stage West's ability to produce programming for the community including 6-8 major productions, over a dozen educational experiences, community festivals, behind-the-scenes outreach and more.

Stage West serves upwards of 25,000 community members each year and employs over a hundred local artists each season. We consider diversity - with the goal of a wide representation of the many cultures and communities within our region - a top priority. Thought-provoking programming that prompts people to explore outside of their comfort zone while encouraging tolerance and open conversation is at the forefront of season selection process. Beyond that, we want to entertain within a shared environment that brings people from all walks of life together.

Our Needs

General operating funds which support utilities, facility, maintenance, staff, and all of the other basic foundational things that help us to make the shows happen. NTGD also funds for our one-of-a-kind education and outreach programs like the Design Apprenticeship Program. This program is a launching pad from late college to early career, providing students of Scenic Design, Costume Design, and Stage Management with mentorship, professional experience, and networking opportunities.


Stage West is a professional, live theatre entering its 46th consecutive season. Our mission is to serve the greater Fort Worth community with theatre and other live events that entertain, provoke, and inspire. Our educational mission is to engage the community with exceptional, low-cost arts education programming. We produce classic and contemporary plays with artistic excellence and energy, focusing on regional and national premieres.

Equity Statement

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Stage West’s longstanding mission to entertain, inspire, and challenge through great live theatre was established to create and strengthen connections throughout the diverse community that is North Texas. This mission is accomplished through careful selection of plays and other programming that not only reflect our ever-evolving human condition, but also promote the exploration of new perspectives and ideas. We welcome all people.


A Place for Everyone.

Theatre and the arts in general belong to everyone. At Stage West, our goal is to create a warm and welcoming environment for everyone. All productions are presented with high caliber artistry and reflect our collective values and desire to laugh, learn, and grow. Our programming is a careful balance of pushing boundaries by introducing ideas and new perspectives, and relaxation through fun, escapist entertainment. We love telling great stories, but more than that, we love telling a wide variety of great stories. Stage West is a leader among regional theatres across the nation working to bring positive growth, understanding, and betterment to society. Through it all, our focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion is always present whether it be in the selection of plays, hiring of artists, or educational offerings, to name a few. As we continue to grow, we use the following definitions as guides:

DIVERSITY: acknowledgement and open arms for all, regardless of ethnicity, race, color, country of origin, sex, gender, gender identity or expression, age, sexual or relationship orientation, family structure, religion, beliefs, political affiliations, experiences and ability differences. We are all human, and we are stronger when we bring all points of view and experiences to the table in a positive and forward-thinking manner.

EQUITY: understanding that each persons’ origins are vastly different and can include numerous inequities with regard to access and opportunity. True equity is tearing down barriers and working towards full and equal access for all, no matter where the starting point for any individual.

INCLUSION: the practice of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for community members who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized, such as those who have physical or mental disabilities and members of other groups often referred to as minority.

At Stage West, we recognize that the process of becoming a truly diverse, equitable, and inclusive institution is an ongoing process that we are honored to participate in. We value individual differences. We acknowledge systematic failures and missteps that have led to barriers to access. We fully commit to continuing education for our staff and stake-holders while also providing opportunities for the whole community to participate in furthering our human condition to be one of love, and love, and love for all.

Land Acknowledgement.

We at Stage West recognize and acknowledge that our organization sits on Jumanos Kiikaapoi (Kickapoo), Numunuu (Comanche), Tawakoni, and Wichita land. These indigenous peoples’ lands were systematically stolen from them by our country’s colonizers. We unequivocally lift up the memory of these people, and will not sugar-coat what happened: it was genocide. Indigenous people, though vastly smaller in number, are still here contributing to the well-being and fabric of our community. The history of our nation’s egregious acts must be remembered alongside the triumphs. This is not to punish or shame those who came before, but as a means of understanding what happens when one group of humans believes their privilege, status, or access makes them better than or more deserving than another. When we learn, our minds expand. When we expand our knowledge, our community is strengthened. It can thrive and move forward.

Organization Data


Organization name

Stage West Theatre

Tax id (EIN)




Arts & Humanities

Operating Budget

$1,000,000 - $2,999,999

Counties Served


BIPOC Leadership


Equity Statement

Equity Statement


Fort Worth, TX 76104



Social Media