The Defensive Line

A nonprofit organization

$9,080 raised by 16 donors

100% complete

$5,000 Goal

The Defensive Line (TDL) is a nonprofit organization based in Texas that seeks to end the crisis of youth suicide, especially for young people of color, by transforming the way we communicate and connect about mental health. 

TDL was founded by Chris, Martha, and Solomon Thomas following the loss of their daughter/sister Ella who died by suicide on January 23, 2018. Ella was stunning and bright, and became one of many victims to a rising crisis of youth suicide for young people of color. Out of her death, the Thomas's sought to turn their pain into purpose, by educating people about suicide and spreading authentic truths about mental health, suicide loss, and grief.

The Defensive Line Suicide Prevention Workshops train teachers, coaches, staff, and other adults on how to identify a mental health issue, how to have difficult conversations, and how to create a plan of action so leaders can refer students and young people to existing and lifesaving mental health resources. Their D-Lines content provides succinct direction to make this happen within a school or workplace setting. 

In addition to the workshops, Storytelling is another primary part of our organization.  TDL began when our co-founders started telling their personal stories of loss publicly. By continuing to share their stories they are advocating for a world where we talk about suicide, mental health, and personal struggles openly so we can become more connected with one another and save lives. 

In hopes of helping others, the Thomas family shares their story wherever it can be told: panels, schools, podcasts, conferences, national television, and many others avenues. The Thomas' have shared their stories in at workshops in Dallas ISD, Richardson ISD, Coppell ISD, Baylor, and  TCU to name a few. National platforms include CNN, ESPN, CBS Mornings, Spectrum News, People Today Show, Mental Health America Conference, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Conferences, GQ Sports, National Alliance on Mental Illness and many others.


Suicide Prevention D-Lines Workshop

Keynote Presentation: Turning Pain Into Purpose

TDL Panels with Experts

Parent University

Lunch & Learn Session with Q&A

Teachers' Self Care & Wellness Workshop

TDL Conversations

BONUS: Anyone who completes the Suicide Prevention Workshop will receive our exclusive Quarterly Huddle videos with ongoing mental health discussions by experts in the field.


Giving Activity


To end the public health crisis of youth suicide, especially for people of color, by transforming the way we communicate and connect about mental health


1. The Defensive Line is in need of funding to support our suicide prevention workshop for teachers, coaches, and staff throughout Texas. Funding for workshops supports facilitators, travel, research, outreach, and administrative costs.

2. The Defensive Line is in need of funding to support a new program director in Texas to expand the reach of our workshops to new markets and new school districts across North Texas.

3. The Defensive Line is in need of funding to support a new Chief Executive Officer to take the expanding demands of our organization to the next level of service within the North Texas community.

4. The Defensive Line is in need of funds to support our expanding program menu including Parent University, Teachers' Self-Care & Wellness Workshop, TDL Conversations Series, and customized program requests.

Equity Statement

The Defensive Line serves all people

Organization Data


Organization name

The Defensive Line


Mental and Behavioral Health

Operating Budget

$500,000 - $999,999

Counties Served

Grayson, Wise, Tarrant, Somervell, Rockwall, Parker, Palo Pinto, Navarro, Montague, Kaufman, Johnson, Hunt, Hood, Fannin, Erath, Ellis, Denton, Dallas, Cooke, Collin

BIPOC Serving

Native American, Hispanic or Latinx, Asian/Pacific Islander, Black or African American

BIPOC Leadership

Both the Executive Director/CEO and Board Chair


Coppell, TX 75019



Social Media