For a century, United Way of Tarrant County has served as a backbone to ensure help is available to those in need.
Based on our research — and by listening to the community — we develop partnerships and programs designed not only to fix problems, but to tackle the reasons the problems exist in the first place, changing lives. By bringing together individuals, corporations, service providers and civic entities, we’re building enriching communities where people
A century ago, a team of local leaders formed the Fort Worth Community Chest, merging the fundraising efforts of a variety of charitable organizations—united-as-one—to more effectively address the community’s most urgent needs. This early nonprofit was the forerunner of what is now United Way of Tarrant County.
Today, our organization, thanks to support from the community and donors like you, continues to do important work through a transitional time in Tarrant County.
United Way of Tarrant County wears many hats – we do whatever is needed to identify, address and meet the needs in our communities. We align our efforts across four primary categories:
- Community Response: Providing the basics for daily needs for Tarrant County residents, as well as disaster relief and veteran support.
- Community Health: Ensuring a community where everyone can be safe and healthy, with a particular focus on underserved neighborhoods, women, children, older adults and those with disabilities.
- Education and Learning: Preparing the current and future workforce to contribute to their own success and to their community.
- Financial Empowerment: Equipping individuals with the tools for independence, such as financial literacy, stable housing and transportation.
We incubate programs and initiatives that help address core social issues in the region, lift up our fellow nonprofits through funding and grants, and provide direct emergency response to our communities. In 2023, we served nearly 400,000 people.
We change lives. Yet our work is not done.
In Tarrant County, the third most populous county in Texas one-in-three households survives paycheck to paycheck. More than 10% of our residents live in poverty, and 15% have food insecurity higher than the national average. One of five cannot read at a fourth-grade level. We live in a county where 21% of adults are uninsured, and too many people report being in poor health.
All of those statistics are true today, but all of them CAN change. We have a vision for a Tarrant County that we all can contribute to, and benefit from.
You’re invited to help us build a foundation for our organization’s second century of impact. We hope you will join us as we GET UNITED to build a stronger, more resilient and vibrant Tarrant County, for all.