Harvest House

A nonprofit organization

2023 Stats:

432,064 pounds of food

$114,727 in financial aid

3055 visits for clothing

12,251 total client visits

3004 families served

8060 clients

950 Christmas gifts

For forty years, Harvest House has provided food, clothing, and financial aid to North Texans with low-to-moderate income. In 2023 we served more than 8000 unduplicated residents. Our food pantry offers groceries, and families with children have access to increased food during the summer and holidays. We also provide food to seniors in low-income housing, and we deliver bulk foods to eight local food ministries. Clients apply for financial aid to cover rent, utilities, and urgent needs, and we offer clothing vouchers for our resale shop. Returning clients check in biannually, and we assess how to further reduce financial and emotional stress. In addition to basic needs, we partner with more than ten local organizations to connect clients with services such as financial counseling and employment guidance. Our tagline, Feed – Clothe – Restore, sums up the goal to not only provide aid for local residents but also to walk alongside them as they regain financial and emotional stability. 


Your Harvest House provides basic necessities, spiritual encouragement, education, and care to individuals and families in our community by following Biblical principles. Our vision is to help families break the cycle of hopelessness by providing resources that assist in restoring their dignity and independence.


As housing, food, and fuel rates rise, North Texans are struggling to make ends meet. Your Harvest House has always provided food aid to low-to-moderate-income residents, but due to the current economic situation, we are now providing monthly groceries to anyone who requests them, regardless of income. According to Forbes, “High prices are forcing some consumers to make difficult decisions, such as turning to food banks for the first time in their lives” (Smith, 2022). Our data support this statement. Each month our pantry is providing food for 30-40% more families than this time last year. We also assist low-to-moderate-income residents through our Financial Assistance Program by covering rent/mortgage payments, utilities, and other urgent needs. In the past five years, the budget for financial aid has swelled from $17,000 to $160,000. As client needs continue to rise, we are partnering with community donors to make a difference in North Texas, one family at a time.

Smith, K. A. (2022, Sep 21). "Why are food prices still rising?" Forbes Advisor. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/personal-finance/why-are-food-prices-still-rising/

Equity Statement

We, the Board of Directors, Leaders and staff of Your Harvest House are united in our understanding that racism, prejudice, and racial discrimination in all forms are sinful and are in direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus. Such things as these should not be overlooked or tolerated within our communities. We stand together in this public declaration that racism, prejudice, and racial discrimination, whether explicit or implicit, are incompatible with the command of our Lord Jesus to "love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:39)." Therefore, we accept our sacred responsibility before God to address racism, prejudice, and racial discrimination within our organization and hereby resolve to personally model Christ-like love toward all people, confront racial discrimination wherever we observe it, and bring God's Word to bear upon such sinfulness through our acts of service. We affirm each member of our community regardless of race or ethnicity and welcome each to our community as neighbors. We pledge to do our part in making sure our community is one of inclusion and hospitality to all. Driven by our faith in the Lord Jesus, we implore each and every member of our communities to stand with us in our determination to stand against the sins of racism, prejudice, and racial discrimination and to embrace the challenge of the Prophet Micah, "to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God (Micah 6:8)."

Organization Data


Organization name

Harvest House

other names

Your Harvest House

Tax id (EIN)




Hunger & Food Access

Operating Budget

$1,000,000 - $2,999,999

Counties Served

Johnson, Tarrant

Equity Statement

Equity Statement


P.O. Box 1113 349 NW Renfro St.
Burleson, TX 76028


817 295 6252

Social Media