With belief in their potential, Youth With Faces helps adolescents involved in the criminal justice system build the skills needed to break the cycle of incarceration and create positive futures.

First launched in 2001 to provide clothing and meals to residents in Dallas County Juvenile Department’s (DCJD) Youth Village, Youth With Faces expanded its scope in 2008 to include career-readiness and culinary courses with paid work opportunities. These “Earn & Learn” opportunities included pop-up dinners in the community that eventually led to the formation of Café Momentum in 2015. That same year, the agency expanded programs to multiple Dallas County campuses. It changed its name from Youth Village Resources of Dallas to Youth With Faces to better reflect its purpose – giving young men and women in the juvenile justice system a second chance at being more than a faceless statistic. Youth With Faces expanded again in early 2022 when it launched services with Collin County Juvenile Probation Services (CCJPS). In 2023, the agency launched its first-ever community-based program, serving youth under community supervision (probation) in Collin County.
By giving justice-involved youth employable skills and a support network, Youth With Faces helps them visualize their capabilities and realize the unique gifts they can contribute to the community. Today, Youth With Faces serves more than 350 young people annually through career education and reentry programs, post-release services, and campus events at five campuses within Collin County Juvenile Probation Services and the Dallas County Juvenile Department. To date, Youth With Faces has served more than 2,800 justice-impacted youth.
All Youth With Faces programs incorporate three key tenets:

Character: Youth develop social skills and healthy approaches to addressing challenges, then put them to work in real-life situations, such as teamwork, decision-making and problem-solving.
Capabilities: Youth learn and practice skills they need to be self-sufficient, confident and contributing members of the community.
Connection: Youth work alongside adult role models who believe in them. This positive network of support includes mentors, employers, volunteers and educators. When working and learning with encouraging adults, students quickly begin to believe in themselves and make in-roads to productive pathways.
Some of our outcomes include: