
You worked hard to solicit your donors, cultivating the relationship is just as important to your nonprofit's future as securing the initial donation. How you steward these donors can be key to gaining their lasting support.

Donor Appreciation Guide


Imagine this scenario: You discover a new nonprofit in your community, learn more about their mission, and decide to make a quick donation. Then, crickets. What are the odds that you continue supporting that nonprofit year-over-year? Use the guide below to walk through some proven tactics in helping show your donors appreciation. 



Checkout Customization Guide

We want to empower your nonprofit to share important information that is unique to your organization while also making it easier for your donors to support the causes they care about with a seamless donation process! Below you will find several ways to help your organization stand out and communicate with donors.



Thank You Email Template


Thanking your donors in a timely manner is key to gaining continued support. Donors that receive a thank you message within 48 hours are 4 times more likely to give again according to Guidestar data. The sample email template can be adapted for both email and direct mail.



Donor Appreciation: 6 Ways to Value their Support

While every donor matters and deserves to be thanked for their generosity and kind support, major donors require a more thorough thank you, meaning avoiding the mistake of just sending an automated email after their latest donation. 

Mightycause Guide to Donor Engagement and Retention

Mightycause has the scoop on keeping your donor engagement and retention. These steps will keep your donors invested in your cause, and keep them coming back to donate time after time.

Tips and Tricks to Minimize Donor Fatigue!

“Donor fatigue” is the nonprofit boogeyman. Many nonprofits speak of it with hushed fear, as if it’s a creeping terror that threatens to make their donors turn away from their cause for no reason and stop donating.


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