
Discover Your Giving Spirit

Welcome to our community of changemakers! By exploring what truly motivates you to give, you can align your actions with your heart and make a lasting impact.


Let these questions guide you through defining and exploring what truly motivates you, helping uncover and align your philanthropic passions.

  • Reflect on Impact: What's the most meaningful contribution or gift you've made, and why did it feel significant?
  • Explore Your Interests: Which topics or issues capture your continuous attention?
  • Community Passions: What do you value most about your local community? What would you enhance?
  • Personal Interests: What passions would your friends and family attribute to you?
  • Legacy Goals: When reflecting on your life, how do you want to be remembered for your contributions?

Find your cause with our North Texas nonprofit listing.

There are more than 3,200 nonprofits who participated in Communities Foundation of Texas’ North Texas Giving Day in 2024.

Search by cause area below and learn about nonprofits, their missions, their needs, and their available volunteer opportunities.

Craft Your Giving Statement

Now that you've explored your passions and motivations, it's time to articulate your philanthropic vision. Your personal giving statement should succinctly reflect your values and goals, acting as your philanthropic elevator pitch. Remember, this statement can evolve with your passions and goals.

Tips for Crafting Your Statement:

  • Aim for clarity and brevity, about 1-2 sentences.
  • Remember that your statement can evolve as your interests and goals do.
  • Consider creating a giving statement together with your partner or family for shared goals.


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