Share Your Care: Senior Pets Program

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Fort Worth Abandoned Animal Alliance
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Help us support our frosted face furry friends.


raised by 16 people

$3,000 goal

Senior Pet Program: Charlie

Update posted 1 month ago

This senior is such a little fighter!  He found himself homeless and on the street as a stray.  He was taken to a local shelter and his family did not want him back.  This is heartbreaking!!  Seniors should not be abandoned especially at a shelter.  We scooped him up and he received the highest quality of care at our veterinary partner.  After evaluation it was determined that Charlie was in dire need of a dental and to be neutered.  Charlie was cryptorchid (undescended testicle) which is a longer and more invasive surgery than a standard neuter.  

Charlie is now thriving and goes everywhere with his mom!  He loves his fur and skin siblings and is the boss of the house now!  

We are so happy for our seniors that find their happy ending for the time they have left on this earth.  Nothing is more rewarding than giving an elderly animal the opportunity to have a wonderful ending to their life.  Your contribution to our Senior Pet Program helps us achieve giving these seniors what they deserve.

Seniors deserve to live out their remaining life in comfort and access to appropriate healthcare. This also applies to pets!  Just like senior humans, pets also deserve to enjoy their golden years in comfort and with access to suitable healthcare. Through our Senior Pet Program, we provide care for our frosted face friends, some become available for adoption and others stay with us until they reach the end of their journey. A shelter is not an ideal place for any pet, especially for seniors. 

Your support for our Senior Pet Program will contribute to their regular care, medications, and any specialized items they may require. Can you lend a helping hand to our beloved seniors?

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