#GivingBack: Fundraising for Change!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Stars United Global Outreach

Join me to help SUGO as they empower, equip, and mobilize at risk youth to create change!


raised by 7 people

$2,000 goal


Stars United Global Outreach works with at risk youth to deliver high impact training by empowering, equipping, and mobilizing them to create social change and break barriers.


Since 2015, Stars United Global Outreach has worked tirelessly to serve underprivileged youth in the Dallas community by delivering education on practical and critical skills that are mobilizing our youth to entrepreneurship, financial literacy, leadership and life skills. Many of our students come from underprivileged and underserved schools and communities and we want to be a great resource to help bridge the gap between students graduating from high school and students graduating from college, furthermore, bridging the achievement and wealth gap. Our program not only teaches students how to become small business owners but also aids the students from all socioeconomic backgrounds to think outside the box and nurture unconventional talents and skills such as time management, adaptability and conflict resolution.


Your generous donations would help us ensure equal access to opportunities for all children. Many parents and families simply do not have the necessary resources to get their kids where they need to go — and lots of kids are missing out on opportunities that could make a world of difference in their lives.  Equalizing access to programs and activities will increase student involvement and engagement, as well as address what now might be considered de facto discrimination. Currently, there are two key issues related to transportation: (1) students who take school buses do not have transportation for “out-of-school-time” which is often critical to address their educational needs and to engage them in programs (sports, music, art, etc.) which develop positive skills and self-esteem; and (2) students who attend alternative learning centers outside of their home district are not provided transportation. While expensive, providing access to public transportation would increase engagement of high school aged students in programs that are critical for their academic and social success.  Research shows that high-quality afterschool programs improve students’ educational outcomes, school attendance, and social and emotional learning. Additionally research shows that for every child enrolled, three are waiting to get into a program. That equates to roughly 25 million children who are unable to access afterschool programs due to barriers cited as program cost, availability, and transportation or accessibility.   Our goal is to increase our program attendance and completion rate by 30% by providing transportation to and from our programs to students who live and go to school in underserved areas and come from low to income households.  

This fundraiser supports

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Stars United Global Outreach

Organized By Sagirah Wheeler

Giving Activity


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