Support the Friends-Support Dallas Public Library

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Friends of the Dallas Public Library
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Join me in supporting Friends of the Dallas Public Library!


raised by 0 people

$2,000 goal

Friends of the Dallas Public Library is a member-based 501c3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to build awareness, appreciation and support for our world-class Dallas Public Library. FoDPL envisions a library that ensures every person has the opportunity and resources to read, engage, graduate, work, and learn. 

Today’s libraries have evolved beyond places where residents check out books. They are important community centers hosting neighborhood events, classes, reading programs, and many more activities for all ages, in every neighborhood. 

Supporting Friends of the Dallas Public Library is an investment in your family, your friends, and your neighbors as Dallas Public Library provides vital resources free to all in our community. 

Thank you for considering supporting this organization and your Dallas Public Library. Visit to learn more. 

- Brenna

Giving Activity



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