Carroll Street Duplex
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
buildingcommunityWORKSHOPHelp us build an affordable duplex in the Jubilee Park neighborhood!
raised by 0 people
$25,000 goal
[bc] is working with students from the University of Texas at Arlington’s Design/Build studio to construct a home on a vacant [bc]-owned lot at 1026 S Carroll Ave in the Jubilee Park neighborhood of Dallas.
Students engaged Jubilee Park residents in the fall of 2020 to determine what they would like to see built in the area. The result is a duplex design that will allow the homeowner to potentially earn extra income from renting the extra space, or to have a family member live nearby if they wish. [bc] refined a design produced by UTA students into a set of construction drawings, and worked through platting and permitting with the City of Dallas. The permit has been approved and is awaiting final fee payment, which will clear the way to begin construction.
This project builds off of our experience at 3318 Beall Street in the Dolphin Heights neighborhood of Dallas, also in partnership with UTA Design/Build students. Through this ongoing work, we are aiming to influence housing production and development in the City of Dallas by showing how alternative housing typologies (duplexes, triplexes, etc) can increase density and help to open up new opportunities for homeownership to preserve neighborhoods -- in particular low-income communities of color which long standing residents are at risk of being priced out of.