Help Stock the Heartbeat Boutique!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Eagle Mountain Pregnancy Help Center
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A stocked boutique can save a baby's life and incentivize our mothers to work their client program!


raised by 0 people

$2,000 goal

Each week the Eagle Mountain Pregnancy Help Center sees more new clients from our area that come to us in crisis pregnancies or with small children. Many of these clients are involved in or have just fled abusive situations, have lost their jobs, are feeling hopeless, or are even considering abortion. EMPHC needs to keep its shelves stocked with the items that mothers need most for their babies. When you donate to stock the boutique, your donation will be used to purchase the items most needed at the moment. Your donation won't sit in a closet or go unused. Sometimes the difference between the choice for life and death is a stocked boutique.  giving a mother the confidence she needs to be able to provide for her child in a crisis situation. Because we offer quality items, our clients find incentive to work their personalized education program which drives for life change for themselves, and ultimately for their children. Thank you for caring for our clients and their children!

Examples of items we purchase for our clients that have earned program points are (but not limited to):



high chairs


lactation pajamas

bottle warmers


Use of Funds

Giving Activity


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